Miniature/Standard Goldendoodle

Mini Goldendoodle

The beloved goldendoodle, a golden retriever and poodle hybrid, known for their intelligence and loyalty to their humans is popular for his affectionate nature as well as his beautiful and allergen-friendly coat. They’re very friendly and inherit a social, happy-go-lucky attitude from the golden retriever. Active and playful, doodles fit in well with families and are great for first-time dog owners. Smaller versions make good apartment dwellers, too.

Available in both the larger standard size and as a smaller miniature, goldendoodles are playful yet gentle dogs that crave human interaction. They do best with daily walks or outdoor play sessions to fill their physical fitness needs and, because both of their parent breeds are friendly and highly intelligent, goldendoodles are ideal for families with small children, first-time dog owners, and as emotional support animals. As extremely affectionate dogs, they love to socialize and rarely meet a human or fellow animal they don’t like—even smaller critters like cats. Instead of wanting to chase, goldendoodles are laid-back and almost bashful.


Because poodles range in size more than golden retrievers, a goldendoodle’s height and weight depend largely on his poodle lineage. Specifically, a standard poodle will result in a full-size goldendoodle, while a miniature poodleparent likely reduces a pup’s full-grown stature. Standard doodles can stand more than 21 inches tall and weigh up to 100 pounds. Miniature goldendoodles typically weigh no more than 35 pounds and stand less than 14–17 inches tall. 


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